Hilarious Twitter Ingeniously Pairs Pictures of Animals with the Foods They Look Like

Is that a sheepdog or a mop? Parrot or guacamole? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell which is which. Twitter user Karen Zack (aka @teenybiscuit) cleverly demonstrates this with her hilariously ongoing photo series that questions whether something is an animal or an inanimate object.

The way Zack does this is simple, yet brilliant: she saves a group of 16 images to her phone, mixing up the two subjects, and then posts a screen cap to her Twitter. As you look at each thumbnail, the colors and textures can get confusing–a piece of fried chicken looks suspiciously like a labradoodle–which makes the challenge all the more fun.

They don’t all look like food though. Some animals look like… a mop.

Zack has also inspired others to make their own versions.

Photo source: @cheezritz

Karen Zack: Website | Twitter
via [GoodNewsNetwork]

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