Kanye West’s Stunning Short Film Runaway

Yes, Kanye West may be one of the most despised singers on this earth but, boy, he sure knows how to put on a performance. Kanye just released a short film called Runaway that’s almost 35 minutes long. It tells the story of a phoenix played by gorgeous lingerie model Selita Ebanks and his quest to adapt her to his world. Visually stimulating, artistically interesting and completely intriguing, this may be one of Kanye’s most groundbreaking moments yet. Here’s what MTV says, “So take a look at West’s “Runaway” and try to keep your jaw off the floor. Whether you like it or not, know that you are witnessing the most important pop star of the current generation. He has managed to take popular music and, just like Michael Jackson, Radiohead and others before him, turn it completely on its head while still bringing the rest of the world along with him.” And, if sinking 30+ minutes into this man is just too much to bear, just watch the shorter music video. It’s a beautiful and powerful piece. What did you think?

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