Paris Landmarks Viewed with Our Heads in the Clouds

Head in the Clouds is a series by Brooklyn-based photographer Kaitlin Rebesco. In the photographs, Rebesco creates a unique portrait of Paris by focusing on just the very tops of iconic buildings set against blue skies with white puffy clouds. She eliminates many geographic context clues, producing a sense that these structures could be in any city, in any skyline around the world.

Viewers are invited to explore the very intimate details of each building top, details that are often overlooked as part of the collective whole structure. Rebesco says, “Sometimes, walking through Paris, I feel like I am floating… Paris seems to always exist under a thick blanket of grey clouds. Sometimes, when the sky opens up, it is really incredible.” Each photograph lifts us high into the sky and provides a creative perspective of an otherwise very familiar city.

Kaitlin Rebesco’s website
via [This Isn’t Happiness]

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