Multiple Angles of One Man Displayed on Giant Spheres

Melbourne-based Australian artist Justine Khamara explores the visual shift of two-dimensional photographs presented on three-dimensional spheres for her series titled now I am a radiant people and Erysichthon’s Ball. Each sculptural work features a dizzying number of images of one subject from various angles.

The cutout head portraits are aligned in geometric patterns across the resin, fiberglass, and wooden balls. From one viewpoint, it seems as though hundreds of tiny faces are staring right at you, but moving around the round display reveals alternate angles of the subject, including a profile view and the back of the head.

Each mosaic of faces appears to be an experimental illusion of continuity. Rather than experiencing a smooth visual transition as one moves around a three-dimensional object, Khamara’s sculptures present a sequence of image captures, creating its own sort of rhythm to viewing and processing photographic subjects as figures with depth.

Photo credit: John Brash
Justine Khamara website
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