Playfully Expressive Masks Sculpted Out of Toilet Paper Rolls

Masks is a funny project in which French artist Junior Fritz Jacquet took plain old toilet paper rolls and transformed them into expressive abstract faces. The squished up faces are both a little bit odd and a little bit adorable. To create each one, Jacquet first sculpted the cardboard into the desired shapes. He then coated them with a shellac and sometimes a pigment to add a touch of color to the playful characters.

From a very young age, Jacquet has been fascinated with paper and this passion comes through in his work. According to his bio, “He explores and experiments with folding and crumpling techniques, innovating, with his fingers, methods still undiscovered to create forms and craft poetic objects that visually enhance any surrounding.” Everything that Jacquet makes is inspired by the traditional paper folding art form of origami but he chooses to use more than just a single sheet of paper. The final results are intriguing works constructed out of everyday objects.

Junior Fritz Jacquet’s website
via [Twisted Sifter], [Colossal]

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