Adorable Blind Pug and Judge Are Inseparable Best Friends

It was only 7 months ago when Mikey the pug was brought into the Michigan Humane Society, suffering from demodectic mange (an immune system disorder due to an overpopulation of mites) and glaucoma, which was causing the poor pup to go blind and left him in serious pain. At that point, the MHS veterinarians decided that the best course of action for Mikey to lead a healthy and comfortable life would be to remove his eyes.

Despite his health setbacks and all he’s been through, Mikey’s life took an uplifting turn when Judge Sabrina Johnson adopted him from Michigan Pug Rescue in March. In fact, both of their lives changed for the better. Mikey has offered Johnson a reason to smile each day, despite the tough cases she deals with daily. She even brings him along to work, allowing the lovable little guy to spread his cheer and love of life around. “When people meet him, they melt. I’ve seen very tough police officers just get down on their hands and knees, just play with him,” Johnson told The Huffington Post. “He brightens everyone’s day.”

And after living with Judge Johnson for several months now, the happy little pug has fully recovered. He has also been inspiring others with his cheerful disposition and ability to bounce back after a challenge. Johnson shares, “Sometimes when we’re walking in the park, he’ll get going and run into a tree. He simply backs up, shakes it off and keeps moving. He really has taught me about how to live life.”

Johnson also admits, “I got him from rescue, and he really rescued me. He’s just the love of my life.”

Michigan Pug Rescue: Website
Michigan Humane Society: Website
via [The Huffington Post]

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