Tiny People Cutout of Paper Star in Delightfully Amusing Tales

Miami-based filmmaker Jorge Miranda works with miniature paper dolls to create whimsical scenes that are captured on camera and shared on Instagram. Using tiny cut-outs of photographed people, he places them in amusing situations that have the appearance of black and white film stills. We see one man jumping onto a larger-than-life spoon that sends another bearded gentleman soaring into the sky. Attitcus Finch, a famous character from literature’s To Kill a Mockingbird, also makes a debut in Miranda’s series and appropriately clutches onto the turning page of a book.

Working with these dolls and everyday objects is a way for the filmmaker to exercise his creativity. “These photos have become for me a faster way to express my ideas with actors that don’t complain and don’t need to get paid,” Miranda says. His images seem to make up digital sketchbook, cataloging concepts that could eventually appear in more polished projects.

Jorge Miranda Instagram
via [Instagram blog]

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