Dad Designs Amazing "Star Wars" Helmets for Son with Skull Condition

Jonathan Moxey‘s son Jack was born with craniosynostosis, which is a condition that causes a premature fusing of his head’s plates. As the little boy was growing, his head was only expanding front to back, instead of all around. To fix this problem, young Jack underwent a surgery. The only downside was that he’d have to wear a helmet for nine months, so his head could heal and grow properly. To make this period of time fun for his son (and the entire family), Jonathan decided to creatively redesign Jack’s helmets with some Star Wars-inspired patterns.

“As my wife and I were talking before the surgery, we decided that if we had to do this, we might as well have some fun with it,” the artistic dad told The Huffington Post. “It changes the narrative from ‘Oh, what happened to your kid?’ to ‘That’s an awesome helmet!’ Jack was too little to really understand what was going on, but he definitely didn’t need anyone feeling sorry for him.”

For Jack’s four helmets, Jonathan used R2-D2, Luke Skywalker, Biggs Darklighter, and Jek Porkins as his muses. Once his creations were complete, he posted the finished product on social media, leaving his followers in awe. Another dad even reached out to Jonathan and asked if he could create a helmet for his son, who was in a similar predicament. “Helping someone else make the best out of a tough situation was the coolest thing,” says Jonathan. “Our attitude toward the situation really made a difference, and I’d love to pass along that positive outlook.”

Now, Jack is 16 months old and no longer needs to wear a helmet. It seems that the force truly was with him during those nine months of his life.

Jonathan Moxey: Instagram
via [The Huffington Post]

All images via Jonathan Moxey.

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