Giant Crashing Wave Interrupts Beach Marriage Proposal

When envisioning his marriage proposal to his future wife, Matthew Hartman probably never planned for this. As he and his girlfriend Elizabeth stood on a rock, amid the ocean waves in Southern California, he knelt down on one knee and brought out a ring. Nearby friends video recorded the moment and captured it on camera as a giant wave crashed up over the rocks and knocked them both out into the water.

The cinematic moment turned into an unexpected adventure as the two were washed ashore, fumbling to get to their feet before yet another wave swept them and the ring away! But they recovered nicely, seemingly nobody was hurt, and most importantly, she said yes. Photographer Jon Hwang was hired to document the moment and was able to capture the stunning pink sky and crashing waves as the backdrop for the exciting–and definitely memorable–life event that this couple and their friends will not soon forget.


Jon Hwang’s website
via [Laughing Squid]

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