New Age Family Portraits with Skype Projections

Photographer John Clang puts a new twist on capturing family portraits. Taking into account the number of families that live separately in different countries, like the New York-based visual artist himself whose family resides in Singapore, Clang decided to digitally adjoin relatives in one hi-tech family portrait. The photo series entitled Being Together places people against a blank wall where a live feed of their family members is projected via Skype.

This new age technique of taking a family photo might really catch on with so many people traveling abroad for work, in pursuit of their dreams that extend beyond their hometowns. Moving away from home isn’t as big of a feat as it used to be with there being so many options for keeping in touch and now the artist has added yet another method to ease the feeling that you’re missing out on familial events. This series may even prove to be cathartic for Clang who says his works are inspired specifically by “the themes of memory, identity and longing as a son living overseas for years and separated from my family back home.”

John Clang website
via [HeyNay, The New York Times]

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