Simply Powerful Self Portraits by Joeri Bosma

18-year-old Joeri Bosma just wrote to us to tell us about his 365 project. While we get a lot of submissions from young photographers, Bosma’s stood out to us because they felt simple yet powerful. If you’re aching to see strong self portraits that are more about interesting concepts than fancy photo manipulations, check this out. Some even feel like you’ve just pressed pause while watching a dramatic movie.

When asked by a fellow photographer on Formspring if she should stop her own 365 project and start a 52 week project instead, Bosma, sweetly, wrote this:

“Oh no, don’t stop! The 365 project is the best thing in the world. I think that the 52 project is going to give you less quality in your work. The 365 project pushes you every day, you’ll learn every day and grow faster as a photographer. It is okay to make a simple, quick photo sometimes. I do that too. There are always days that you can work on bigger concepts and plan them well. It is nice to have memories of every day for a year.

“Please don’t stop.”

Not surprisingly, it was fellow Flickr photographer Alex Stoddard who inspired Bosma to start his 365 project. “I wasn’t aware that photography was something that fantastic until I saw his beautiful, emotional and storytelling photos,” he tells us.

When asked to describe his own style, Bosma said this: “I don’t like to describe my style or what kind of photographer I am. I’m constantly experimenting and evolving my photography. One day, I want to make a spectacular photo, and the other day a sad, serene one. It really depends on how I’m feeling. What I do like show in my photography is raw, honest emotions with with as little as possible resources, so the image is calm and easy to look at.”

At the moment, Bosma is working on a landscape book as well as preparing for two expositions in autumn and winter. Mental note: Add him to the list of young photographers to keep watching.

Joeri Bosma on Flickr

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