Recycled Bike Part Chandeliers Cast Spectacular Shadows

Ballroom Luminoso is a public art installation consisting of six sculptural chandeliers created by technologist Joe O’Connell and sculptor Blessing Hancock. Each luminous globe includes a custom designed LED light fixture encased in a spherical cage made of recycled bicycle parts that have been collected from bike co-ops from across the country. The artistic duo installed their spheres of light in a freeway underpass in San Antonio, Texas where they say it has “[rejuvenated] a forgotten space for the community.”

At night, the chandelier cycles through a range of brilliant colors and projects spectacular silhouettes of gears and sprockets over the surrounding architecture. The artists explain their design motif: “[T]he piece alludes to the neighborhood’s farming roots and horticultural achievements. Each character playfully rides a bike acting as a metaphor for the neighborhood’s environmental progress, its concurrent eco-restoration projects, and its developing cycling culture.”

If you like hanging lights that cast lively shadows, you might also be interested in checking out Forms in Nature, a chandelier that produces a forest of wild tree shadows.

Photo credit: Fred Gonzales
Joe O’Connell + Blessing Hancock website
via [Lustik]

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