Miniature Models Reveal the Inside of Famous Artists’ Studios

Jackson Pollock

When we see an artist’s work, it’s incredible to think about all of the details that went into the creation process, from collecting the right materials to actual physical labor of production. So, what better way to get to know an artist than to see him or her inside their own personal studio. This was exactly the thought of Brooklyn-based artist Joe Fig, and so he developed a series of miniature dioramas, entitled Inside the Painter’s Studio, that show artists at work in their own studios.

One review explains, “A desire for firsthand references led Fig to approach contemporary artists for access to their studios. Armed with a camera and a self-made ‘Artist’s Questionnaire,’ Fig began a journey through the workspaces of some of today’s most exciting contemporary artists.” Based on photographs and his own eye-witness, he produced 24 mixed media pieces that range in size from just 4 inches to 60 inches. The tiny details portray the personalities and work of each person and, as a result, we get a rare and tiny glimpse into the world of many famous artists including people like Jackson Pollock, Jasper Johns, Willem de Kooning, and Andy Warhol.

Henri Matisse

Willem de Kooning

Matthew Ritchie

Chuck Close

Ross Bleckner

Inka Essenhigh

Malcolm Morley


Jasper Johns

Andy Warhol

Jim Rosenquist

Will Cotton

Roy Lichtenstein


Joe Fig’s website
via [Beautiful Decay]

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