Artist Transforms Ugly Chicago Potholes Into Colorful Mosaics

Artist Jim Bachor adds a little touch of beauty to the ugly potholes along the streets of Chicago by creating small mosaics inside of the holes that have become quite the problem throughout the city. He uses tiny hand-cut pieces of Italian glass and marble to create beautiful artwork that stands out against the surrounding pavement. Each piece features a single type of long-stemmed flowers set within a white background. The beautiful elements sit in direct juxtaposition with the cracked and crumbling asphalt.

The artist enjoys working with what he describes as the tools and methods of archaic craftsmen to produce colorful works that interact surprisingly with the modern world. Through the tedious process, he hopes to beautify the streets of Chicago one pothole at a time.

“My work locks into mortar unexpected concepts drawn from the present,” he explains. “By harnessing and exploiting the limitations of this indestructible technique, my work surprises the viewer while challenging long-held notions of what a mosaic should be.”

Jim Bachor’s website
via [Colossal]

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