New Book: Sweet Portraits of Mothers with Their One-Day-Old Babies

We’ve followed photographer Jenny Lewis’ series One Day Young for the past few years, showing you beautiful portraits of mothers with their newborn babies. Taken within 24 hours of their birth, the portraits show babies who have just emerged from the womb, with their caring mothers holding them in a sweet and caring embrace. All of the photos were shot in East London, in the comfort of each woman’s home. Lewis’s aim was to capture the extraordinary bond mothers and infants have from the moment a mother gives birth.

How has shooting the series changed Lewis’s life? As she tells us, “It’s been quite a journey, and I must say, I have learned so much from meeting all these women at such a dramatic time. It makes me think of the of midwives who witness this moment on a daily basis. The wisdom and stories they must gather along the way must be infinite. I have only encountered a tiny fraction of what they must see. My life attitude, just five years ago, seems so remote to the way I think now. Working on this project has certainly jolted me and my priorities and I am very grateful for the slap in the face it has given me and the seismic shift from selfishness to being more interested in other people’s stories rather than concentrating on whats affecting my life. Women rock… and we shouldn’t forget it.”

We’re happy to report that One Day Young has turned into a book, which is now available, from Hoxton Mini Press. Courtesy of the photographer, here are just some of the images you can expect to find inside.

Hoxton Mini Press website and Jenny Lewis’s website

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