Bride Takes Portraits in 19 Countries Wearing Wedding Dress

This bride and her white gown have traveled almost 150,000 miles around the world! Jennifer and photographer husband Jeff Salvage were married five years ago on Easter Island. Before the trip, Jennifer went into a bridal shop and, knowing she’d need something easy to transport, she requested a gown that she could stuff into a backpack. Finding the dress, Destinations by Maggie Sottero, was apparently the easiest part of the great adventure that was about to begin.

After the ceremony, Jeff insisted that his wife don the dress multiple times so that he could capture iconic photographs of their visit all across the isolated island. Since that time, the couple has “turned their passion for travel into an unprecedented photographic project.” The pair have produced photo shoots of Jennifer wearing the dress in 19 countries, including the Bahamas, Peru, Greece, Jamaica, and Russia, all of which are documented on their website, One Dress, One Woman, One World. Jeff says, “In my wildest dreams I wouldn’t have expected the dress to last this long. I think we’ll wear out before the dress does, without a doubt.”

One Dress, One Woman, One World website
via [Yahoo! Good Morning America]

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