Beautiful Illusion of Synchronized Swimmers in Nature

Natation Synchronise (Synchronized Swimming) is a playful series of perfectly arranged legs emerging from water in elaborate upside-down displays. Created by French photographer Jean-Baptiste Courtier, the series consists of what appear to be mannequin legs submerged in water. The legs, angled and bent in symmetrical patterns, create a shocking interruption in otherwise simple landscapes.

Courtier arranges his subjects in different bodies of water to create a variety of backgrounds. Each set of bodiless limbs reflects against the watery surfaces in beautiful formations that produce an appealing depth to the intriguing scenes. Viewers are left to their own devices to create clever narratives regarding the unusually placed legs.

When speaking about the work, Courtier says, “Frankly, I’m quite egoistic in the way I work. I want to have the pleasure of recreating the images that exist in my mind and prefer to let the viewers create [their] own story around the picture.”

Jean-Baptiste Courtier’s website
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