Colorful ‘Ojo de Dios’ Celebrate the Art of Handwoven Mandalas

Artist Jay Mohler meticulously weaves together strands of colorful yarn to assemble mandalas known as Ojos de Dios. “Ojo de Dios, or the plural, Ojos de Dios, which is Spanish for Eye of God or Eyes of God, were a popular folk art in the American Southwest during the 1970’s, and I sold many hundreds to ‘trading posts’ and tourist gift shops in and around Albuquerque during that time,” the creative writes. “My original inspiration came from seeing such mandalas made by Huicholes of the remote mountains in central Mexico, and later seeing amazingly similar yarn and stick creations woven by Tibetans.”

Using these varying sources as inspiration, Mohler fabricates complex patterns that perfectly represent handmade craftsmanship. Traditionally, Ojos de Dios are used for spiritual reasons. Many place this symbol on their rooftops to prevent evil spirits from entering their home. As for the artist, he creates these weavings as a beloved form of expression. A selection of Mohler’s detailed work is available through his Etsy shop.

Jay Mohler: Website | Facebook | Etsy
via [Beautiful/Decay]

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