Large Snake-Like Installations Made of Buckets

Artist Jason Peters redefines the way we look at a space by filling it with site-specific installations made out of countless buckets. Each sculptural piece winds and weaves itself through its environment like an enormous, glowing snake. The twisting and turning pieces are also lit from within, offering a different perspective from day to night for outdoor installations and a similar transformative outlook for indoor pieces that are dependent on whether the lights of the site are on or off.

Peters plays with the idea of the “sublime” often constituted in gothic literature as an awe-inspiring event or sight. His contemporary creations, he says, “try to archive a transformative moment, removing the viewer from accustomed modes of thinking and seeing, from the constraints of id and ego, if only for a second.” He adds, “By using large multiples of discarded items in repeating designs that establish unexpected patterns, societal cast offs are made beautiful through the alliteration of form. Once removed from their traditional context, the objects’ interaction with the environment becomes unpredictable and unstable.”

Jason Peters website
via [Beautiful Decay]

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