New Salvaged Wood Pieces Fused with Geometric Patterns by Jason Middlebrook

Artist Jason Middlebrook uses discarded and salvaged wood as a canvas for his intricate geometric designs. He gathers roughly-chopped trees and paints precise, steady lines that are in stark contrast to their rustic, organic forms. By combining these two seemingly disparate worlds–nature and contemporary art–Middlebrook creates a beautiful juxtaposition that engages them both. He accomplishes this complementing coexistence in two different ways: sometimes, he’ll produce patterns that go against the wood grain, while in other pieces, he’ll carefully follow the natural rings and grooves with jagged, angular lines.

Since we first featured Middlebrook’s work, he’s opened a solo exhibition called Gold Rush at the Peters Projects in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It features nine of his gorgeous wood paintings, showcasing a wide range of trunks and surface patterns. The show is on display through October 3rd.

Jason Middlebrook: Website
via [Design Milk]

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