Vintage Suitcases Repurposed as Uniquely Awesome Drawers

English designers Hannah Plumb and James Russell, who work together under the moniker JAMESPLUMB, combine their creative talents to repurpose objects into useful, unique furniture. Or, as the artistic duo puts it, they “juxtapose practical function with their sculptural vision.” By collecting and refurbishing old worn down suitcases, the inventive pair have repurposed a number of vintage carry-ons as stacked storage units.

With a one-of-a-kind look to each piece, the suitcase drawers have a classic yet contemporary appeal. Each suitcase of varying widths and sizes fits neatly into its customized metallic or wooden framework, giving it a tidy look with the sense of a nomadic lifestyle. The owner of these Suitcase Stacks or Suitcase Chests would be making a statement about their taste for vintage style and thirst for adventure.

via [Design You Trust, Design Moderne]

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