Kindergartner Dresses Up as a 100-Year-Old to Celebrate 100th Day of School

When Jacob Martin‘s 5-year-old daughter was told to dress the part for her 100th day of school, she went above and beyond. To celebrate this momentous occasion, the kindergartener’s Germany-based school told her entire class to costume themselves as centenarians. “This was a part of her unit she was working on in kindergarten where they are working up towards counting to 100,” Martin explained on Reddit. “On the 100th day, it is a celebration of their progress up to that point.”

Though the adorable 5-year-old may have had help creating her costume, she spectacularly pulled it off the “old lady” act all on her own. With cane in hand, white hair in place (which was made with baby powder and hairspray), and a few wrinkles (applied with makeup) here and there, the young girl was definitely ready to participate in her 100th day of school.

Here are a couple of the 5-Year-Old’s other favorite costumes:

Jacob Martin: Reddit | Flickr
via [Reddit]

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