Large Indoor Cloud Formed with Thousands of Kites

Superabundant Atmosphere is an installation developed by New York City-based artist Jacob Hashimoto. The site-specific piece consisted of thousands of white kite-like circular parts that were built out of handmade silk fabric glued to a bamboo frame. Along with five assistants, Hasimoto created a structure at Rice Gallery in which the smaller segments were organized into a larger form that hung overhead.

Suspended from the ceiling, the collective piece took on a cloud-like form rising and falling throughout the room. Throughout the day, the installation changed depending on the flow of light within the glass room. In brighter moments, sunlight would illuminate the shimmering fabric in an airy flow of weightlessness, while at other, darker times, the structure would appear more dense and solid. Regardless of the experience, Hashimoto said his intentions were for Superabundant Atmosphere to “convey a sense of wonder and playfulness, as visitors encounter, walk around, and react to its presence.”

Jacob Hashimoto’s website
via [Triumphs of the Easily Amused]

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