Surreal Paintings of Whimsical Hybrid Creatures by Jacek Yerka

Polish artist Jacek Yerka has the ability to transform ordinary concepts into incredibly imaginative, surreal scenes, as he demonstrates in his paintings of extraordinary creatures. With vivid colors and lush details, Yerka brings to life whimsical beasts that inhabit worlds filled with fantasy and sci-fi wonder.

The 62-year-old artist produces eccentric hybrids by fusing animals with natural landscapes and manmade inventions. In several paintings, settlements are built atop colossal beasts whose bodies resemble islands, craggy cliffs, or empty stretches of land. Other images depict strange creatures with mechanical parts, ranging from a reptile-like car to a school of dirigible fish. Yerka’s creative, striking concepts suggest inseparable links between nature and humankind.

Jacek Yerka’s website

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