It’s a Blonde Weekend: Latvia (9 pics)

I bet you didn’t know there was such a thing as a “Blonde Weekend”…

On Sunday, a procession of more than 500 blondes paraded through Latvia’s capital wearing pink and white. Many were escorted by lap dogs wearing the same cheerful hues. Their goal: to use their beauty to shine a little light into the dark mood caused by the global downturn..

Though it was far from being a protest march, some women used the opportunity to counter stereotypes. “I am beautiful, but I’m not dumb,” Ilone Zigure told the news agency AFP. The student added that she hopes that those of her countrymen who are depressed about the economic crisis will find her “positive energy” contagious.

The parade was just part of a range of events making up Riga’s “Blonde Weekend,” which also included a golf tournament, a fashion show, a ball and a drawing contest for kids. The Latvian Blondes Association, which organized the events, hoped to use any proceeds from the weekend’s activities toward a playground for handicapped children.

See the photos at spiegel

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