Photo: Naypong/Depositphotos
Showers are a staple of our daily routines, but the specifics about them are up to each person. Particularly, the best time to take one has long been a contentious debate. But what’s actually the best time to shower? Some swear by showering in the morning and others like to bathe at night. To settle the debate, Dr. Jason Singh has chimed in, revealing one option is indeed better than the other.
Singh begins by explaining the benefits of showering at night. “When you have night warm showers, it releases melatonin which is good for your sleep. When you’re out of the shower and towel out, your body is back to normal temperature. These two combined transition into better sleep,” he explains.
The doctor also points out that night showers wash away all the grime that accumulates throughout the day, whether it’s environmental pollutants or simply your body at work. On top of that, night showers are better for those with dry and sensitive skin, as they are better at hydrating your skin right before you go to bed.
Meanwhile, Singh pointed out that morning showers get rid of bacteria and secretions that build up, bringing the skin to a “more hygienic baseline.” This leads to the doctor’s verdict: “Overall, a nighttime shower has more benefits to it, but a morning shower has really only one benefit.”
Ultimately, Singh’s take has more to do with making the most out of the added benefits of a night shower and less with its effectiveness at keeping you squeaky clean. After all, a better sleep and healthier skin are part of good hygiene, and getting a little help just by jumping in the shower is unbeatable.
To stay up to date with the doctor’s clever advice, you can follow Dr. Singh on TikTok.
What’s the best time to shower? To settle the debate, Dr. Jason Singh has chimed in, revealing one option is indeed better than the other.

Photo: isaac1112/Depositphotos
He explains that warm nighttime showers help you sleep better and are better for people with sensitive and dry skin. This is in addition to the shower removing the dirt that accumulates during the day.

Photo: Boytaro1428/Depositphotos
On the other hand, morning showers bring the skin to a “more hygienic baseline.”

Photo: IgorVetushko/Depositphotos
The verdict? Nighttime showers have more benefits, making them better per the doctor. Watch his take in the video below.
@drjaysonisfreshMore debatable than pineapple on pizza♬ original sound – Dr. Jason Singh
Dr. Jason Singh: TikTok
h/t: [Good]
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