Slumbering Woman’s Dreams Come to Life in Iris Scott’s Enchanting Finger Painting

Goddess of Dreams Oil Painting by Iris Scott

Innovative finger painter Iris Scott has released an evocative new artwork in her signature style. Goddess of Dreams depicts a woman resting on a tree in a forest illuminated by fireflies. She wears a dress embroidered with cranes, and if we look closely, we can see one of the birds breaking free from the fabric and floating into the air.

This magical scene unfolds across a large 8-foot by 6-foot canvas and sees Scott incorporate brushwork alongside her finger painting. Some of the oil paints, particularly those representing the fireflies, have been manipulated with compressed air, adding texture to the composition. While finger painting is the predominant technique in the piece, Scott uses a brush to create the details of the face and the embroidery on the dress.

The result is a beautiful marriage of techniques that work in harmony to bring Scott’s vision to life. “This painting is about the boundary between the imagination and reality,” Scott shares. “How easily it can be crossed if we are in the right state of mind.”

Scott has the original, as well as prints available for sale on her website.

Goddess of Dreams is a new oil painting by Iris Scott incorporating finger painting and brushwork.

Goddess of Dreams Oil Painting by Iris Scott

Watch as Scott explains the meaning behind this stunning painting.


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