Intricate Charcoal Fingerings

I am in awe of artist Judith Braun’s beautiful series of charcoal pieces. Not only are the works elegant but the process she uses to create them is also quite interesting. Instead of using charcoal, as one would use in a pencil or normal piece of vine charcoal, Braun uses her fingers. By dipping her fingertips in charcoal or pastel dust, Braun creates graceful works of art.

This series of drawings is entitled “Fingerings” for obvious reasons. Often times she will use both hands so that she can extend her reach and use “the inherent symmetry of the body to make gestural inscriptions.

“When asked what inspired her to start creating such intriguing works, she told us this, “I started dipping my fingers in the charcoal to eliminate everything between me and the act of drawing. Charcoal is carbon and my body is carbon, and I was bringing them together to see what happens!”

I can only imagine how caked in residue and dust her hands must be after finishing a piece. Though I guess it’s all in the name of art!

Judith Braun’s website

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