Stunning Winners of the 2024 International Photography Awards Capture Unique Sights of Our World


“FINE ART OF RESILIENCE” by Paul Szimák. Professional Winner, Fine Art

The winners of the 21st edition of the International Photography Awards (IPA) have been announced, and the images are among the most memorable in the history of the contest. From Sports to Nature, the IPA hands out 11 awards, dividing each category between professional and non-professional images. Inspiring both established and up-and-coming photographers to share their unique views of the world, the IPA jury sorted through thousands of pictures to find the most compelling images in a wide array of categories.

Among the most striking images is that of Paul Szimák, Professional Winner of the Fine Art category for his image titled FINE ART OF RESILIENCE. The ornate composition of the photograph evokes a baroque painting, almost erasing the line between media and building a bridge between centuries of art history. “In Greek mythology, the goddess Gaia personifies the earth. Mother Earth does not age,” Szimák says about his image. “She appears to us as radiantly beautiful as eternal youth. But in reality she is exhausted and exploited. Is the end near? Will she be resurrected in the eternal cycle?”

Other images are firmly rooted in current issues, relaying to the world the heartbreaking individual stories that unfold in larger tragedies. Mustafa Hassona won the Editorial/Press Photographer of the Year title for his coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Particularly, a harrowing image of a man crying as he carries the lifeless body of a beloved relative conveys the levels of desperation and loss the Palestinian people have faced over the last months.

The Non-Professional categories are full of equally absorbing images. For example, César Guardia Alemañi’s Toward Intimacy explores the depths of bonds behind close doors, and how these shape our individual experiences. The competition highlights an image that seems to tell a fully rounded story on its own, presenting a small girl about to show a work of art to a bed-ridden senior man.

The 11 category winners in the Professional categories will each receive a $1,000 cash prize, while the 11 category winners in the Non-Professional categories will each receive a $500 prize. They all receive two tickets to attend the Lucie Awards Gala in New York city, where the winners of the titles of International Photographer of the Year and Discovery of the Year, for professionals and non-professionals respectively, will be announced.

Scroll down to see some of our favorite images of the 2024 International Photography Awards.

The International Photography Awards has announced the category winners for their 2024 contest.

In the Shadows of Silent Women

“In the Shadows of Silent Women” by Maryam Firuzi. Professional Winner, People

Last Trip Home

“Last Trip Home” by Dale May. Professional Winner, Special.

“The Second” by Tom Franks. Professional Winner, Advertising

“The Israeli-Palestinian conflict” by Mustafa Hassona. Professional Winner, Editorial/Press

“Ballers” by Peter Muller. Professional Winner, Sports.

“Line, Form and Color” by Gleici Rufatto. Professional Winner, Architecture

“Neikoye Flowers Direct Descendant of David Miles Moore” by Drew Gardner. Professional Winnner, Analog/Film

WASHINGTON, DC - JUN 24. on June 24, Young Feminist Party rally for the rights to abortion in front of the United States Supreme Court to demand President Joe Biden publish the Equal Rights Amendment NOW and secure their rights to abortion through the Constitution on June 24th in Washington,D.C. (Photo by Chaz Niell)

“Roe V. Wade Fully Human” by Charles K. Niell Jr. Chaz. Professional Winner, Event

“Sardines” by Benjamin Yavar. Professional Winner, Nature

“Svalbard” by Blake Burton. Non-Professional Winner, Analog/Film

“Samurai in Autumn Night” by Yukihito Ono. Non-Professional Winner, Special

“Metropolis” by Kiyoshi Karimizu. Non-Professional Winner, Architecture

“Colossal Encounters: The Human-Art Symbiosis at Burning Man” by Mark Fromson. Non-Professional Winner, Event

“Towards Intimacy” by César Guardia Alemañi. Non-Professional Winner, Fine Art

IPA: Website | Instagram | Facebook

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by the IPA.

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