Installation: 25,000 Dr. Seuss Books (7 pics)

Love Dr. Seuss? Love to read? Then, the New York Public Library was just the place for you! Oustide the library stood a 26-ft tall by 40-ft wide display that spelled out the word “Read.” The installation was made up of 25,000 Dr. Seuss books and was created for the program Read Across America. David Stark designed and built the massive display in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Actors Mark Ruffalo and Uma Thurman showed their support when they attended the opening event on February 24. As a proud partner of Read Across America, Target helped put on the event and eventually donated the books to schools within New York.

Lily Eskelsen, Vice President of the National Education Association shared, “Through our partnership with Target, we are bringing reading to life for children across the country and celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday in a fun, interactive way.”

via [Paper Plane] and [BizBash]

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