Infographic Shares Frequently-Googled Cost Searches Around the World

Google is a great tool for answering countless queries, including finding out the cost of something. But did you ever wonder what was the most searched-for good in your country? Around the world? Fixr, a cost estimating site, attempts to answer this with an intriguing infographic revealing the different inquiries across the globe. They took the top Google autocomplete searches for “How much does * cost in (country),” and then made a map of the results.

Google searches for costs vary depending on the country. In part of North America, people want to know how much a patent or passport costs. Or, in Mexico, a tummy tuck. There are (slightly) more practical concerns in Europe as users inquire about the cost of gas, studying, and food. Owning a BMW or Ferarri still pops up on the map, though. Fixr’s infographic illustrates what we already know – there are vast differences in wealth, priorities, and ethics from place to place.

Although a fascinating way to view our world, this graphic comes with a big caveat. It’s in no way scientific. The outcomes are based only on English-language searches, and Google’s auto-complete suggestions don’t reflect what are actually the most-searched terms. These are what popped up first on the list. Answers can also vary based on your own browsing history. Even still, it’s an interesting experiment with some potentially-telling results.

Fixr website
via [Co.Design]

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