Infographic: Colors of the Web

Do power colors really exist? This interesting infographic shows us the distribution of colors across the top 100 brands of the web. According to COLOURlovers: “The web landscape is dominated by a large number of blue brands… but Red occupies a large amount of space as well. What’s driving this? You might want to say that carefully organized branding research and market tests were done to choose the perfect colors to make you spend your money, but a lot of the brands that have grown to be global web powerhouses, started as small web startups… and while large corporate giants with branding departments spend quite a lot on market research, user testing, branding, etc. Lots of the sites listed above got started with brands created by the founders themselves with little to no research into the impact their color choice would have. I once asked Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook why he chose blue for his site design… “I’m color blind, it’s the only color I can see.” …and now 500 Million people around the world stare at a mostly blue website for hours each week.”

See the large version, here. via COLOURlovers More Intriguing Infographics: Infograph: What Are We Eating? Infographic: Reasons to Stop Drinking Bottled Water Infograph: 15 Thing You Should Know About Caffeine Infographic: Which Governments Demand Google Remove Information If you like what you see here, check out theMET’s new sister site, My Modern Mix!

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