Incredibly Expressive Owl Photography

Is that little owl yawning or singing? Belgian-based photographer Yves Adams has the answer as he’s the one behind the adorable shot. “Little owls are CUTE!,” he states. “They make you laugh with whatever they do! But when they start to yawn, my heart melts! This picture has been taken in Spain, with the help of Steve West. This is probably the male, who was clearly bored, while the female was in the nest on her eggs.”

Today, we bring you over a dozen photos that show you just how expressive owls can be. Whether it’s the way they tilt their heads or walk with attitude, you have to agree, they’re one photogenic bunch.

“There’s nothing like observing local burrowing owls over a period of weeks, even months,” states wildlife photographer Debbie Tubridy. Whether they’re first peeking out of their burrow, beginning to run outside of the burrow, testing their wings, learning to play, or in this case, exploring the world around them and perfecting lifelong skills that will help them survive on their own, they’re always fascinating to watch and photograph.”

Reckless Abandon by Peter Brannon

Monday Morning Blues by Debbie Tubridy

Discovery Time by Debbie Tubridy

Kiss Me!! by Itamar Campos

Love You Darling by Judylynn Malloch

Walking with Attitude by Austin Thomas

Totally Run Off My Feet by Austin Thomas

Singing in the Rain by Craig Churchill

You Looking at Me!!! by Alfred Forns

Intrigued by Alida Jorissen

Eagle Owl by Ronald Coulter

Brakes On, Gear Down by Henrik Nilsson

Who Me? by Megan Lorenz

WTF?!?! by Alex Thomson

He Went That Way by Austin Thomas

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