Interactive Seesaw Installation Turns Montreal into a Musical Playground

Design studios Lateral Office and CS Design collaborated with EGP Group’s engineers to produce 30 interactive seesaws that emit radiant light and sweet sounds. The entire installation, called Impulse, is located in Montreal’s Place des Festivals, where visitors can now embrace these playground toys to create their own art. Once they’re in motion, the seesaws generate harmonious tunes and illumination through their built-in speakers and LED lights. These pieces constantly change as they move up and down, allowing visitors to become spontaneous composers with one-of-a-kind instruments.

The surrounding buildings are also incorporated into the installation experience, as imagery inspired by the seesaws is projected on them. “Playing with the notions of balance and unbalance, symmetry and asymmetry, tension and harmony, the video projections are visual experiments illustrating the original soundtrack created for each video,” explain the event’s organizers, who worked with digital artist Mathieu Le Sourd and Iregular to create these projections. Toronto-based composer Mitchell Akiyama also offered his expertise when it came time to make the installation’s soundtracks.

To view Impulse–the 6th annual Luminothrapie event‘s winning project–you can visit the Place des Festivals up until January 31, 2016.

Above photo via Ulysse Lemerise

Photo via Ulysse Lemerise

Photo via Ulysse Lemerise

Photo via Ulysse Lemerise

Photo via Ulysse Lemerise

Photo via Martine Doyon

Photo via Martine Doyon

Photo via Martine Doyon

Photo via Martine Doyon

Lateral Office: Website | Facebook
CS Design: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [Colossal, Quartier Des Spectacles]

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