Mosque Invites Stray Cats and Kittens Inside for Warmth and Shelter

Imam Mustafa Efe may be known for leading prayers in his Istanbul-based mosque, but there’s something else the world’s now learning about him: he’s a devoted animal lover. Last year, Imam Efe opened his mosque’s doors to the many stray cats and kittens that roam Istanbul’s streets. He hopes the feline “guests” (as he calls them) can find warmth and safety in his mosque and, based on one mother cat’s actions, it definitely seems as though Imam Efe accomplished his goal.

One by one, the mama cat carried her newborn kittens into the mosque, up the stairs, and to the pulpit where sermons are delivered. Many other strays even choose to sit in on Imam Efe’s sermons, possibly as a sign of respect for the man who’s given them a home. To see the adorable mama cat carry her kittens into the mosque, make sure to check out the video below.

Photo via Ibrahim Dzkalem

Left photo via Kuzeyin Huysuz Kizi

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All images via Imam Mustafa Efe unless otherwise stated.

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