Beautifully Enchanting Pathways in Nature

Budapest-based photographer Ildiko Neer shares the majestic serenity and enigmatic beauty of nature’s pathways in her series titled Dreamland. The landscape photographer captures the breathtaking stillness of natural environments lined with lofty trees and spectacularly radiant foliage. Like an inviting route to adventures unknown, the images draw the viewer’s eye deeper down the trail and into the forest, leaving one eager to follow the mysterious path.

Neer says, “My pictures express the feelings and moods [that] I felt during my trips in the last few years. If I try to imagine myself, I see someone walking on the road straight to the light… In the dreamland that I create I feel myself at home. I belong to the forest. I am under big trees, waiting for the miracle to begin. I invite you to take a trip with me. Just relax and fly with your thoughts.”

Ildiko Neer website
Ildiko Neer on Flickr
via [It’s Complicated]

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