Photos of Identical Quadruplet Girls Show They’re as Adorable as They Are Rare

Identical Quadruplets Pictures Identical Alberta Quadruplets Webb Quadruplets Photos of Quadruplets

Alberta-based photographer Cassandra Jones of Noelle Mirabella Photography specializes in taking fine art photographs of little ones. In her charming photographs, Jones focuses on capturing the “wonder and beauty” of childhood. While this loving approach is evident in all of her work, it is abundantly apparent in a shoot starring the Webb siblings, Canada’s famous identical quadruplets.

Abigail, Mckayla, Emily, and Grace were born in 2016. As the chance of having identical quadruplets is 1-in-65 million, the very existence of these young sisters is exceptionally rare—a factor that makes these skillfully shot group portraits even more eye-catching.

Shot in a park, this memorable series showcases the beautiful bond between the two-year-olds. In order to achieve natural-looking photographs, Jones strived to keep the two-year-olds in their element, allowing (and even encouraging) them to interact and play. Most memorably, the tots sang during the shoot, culminating in a cute, candid photograph of them mid-song.

“I love the shot of the girls sitting on the grass. We were all singing, If You Are Happy and You Know It,” Jones tells My Modern Met. “It was a real, effortless, and natural response from the girls. I will take a shot like that over a, ‘look at me and say cheese’ photo any day.”

This is not the first time Jones was asked to photograph the quadruplets. She first took photos of the sisters when they were newborns, and has since photographed them three times—emphasizing that “it has been so much fun to watch the girls grow.”

Photographer Cassandra Jones of Noelle Mirabella Photography has captured adorable portraits of the Webb sisters, a group of identical quadruplets.

Identical Quadruplets Pictures Identical Alberta Quadruplets Webb Quadruplets Photos of Quadruplets

Known as the “Alberta quadruplets,” these toddlers are exceptionally rare.

Identical Quadruplets Pictures Identical Alberta Quadruplets Webb Quadruplets Photos of Quadruplets

Jones first captured photos of the Webb sisters when they were newborns.

Identical Quadruplets Pictures Identical Alberta Quadruplets Webb Quadruplets Photos of Quadruplets Identical Quadruplets Pictures Identical Alberta Quadruplets Webb Quadruplets Photos of Quadruplets

Since then, she says, “it has been so much fun to watch the girls grow.”

Noelle Mirabella Photography: Website | Facebook | Instagram  

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Cassandra Jones.

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