She couldn’t have expected it. You see, for Ida Skivenes it started off simply. She didn’t start posting photos on Instagram to gain thousands of followers or to become a widely popular food artist. Rather, in June 2012, she saw a photo on the Internet of two pieces of toast that looked like a bear and a fox and she wondered if she could copy it.
She did and almost immediately people started to take notice. “I got good feedback, so I tested a few of my own ideas,” she tells us. “I found it to be a fun way for me to combine my interests for art and food, plus the chance to exercise my creative side.”
Two months ago, Instagram featured her clever food art creations on their blog, which sparked even more people to start following her. Currently, Ida has over 90,000 fans and her simple concepts have evolved to more complicated ones. Inspired by everything from movies and cartoons to modern art, Ida continually surprises her audience because they’re always left wondering where she’ll take them next.
When asked what her favorite pieces are, she tells us this: “I have two current favorites in different categories: the scone fox I did a while back and the very recent art toast depicting the Edvard Munch piece Girls On A Jetty. (See immediately below.) The scone fox because it’s so simple yet has many layers of meaning when you couple it with its complete title Crazy Like A British Scone Fox. The Munch toast turned out so much better than I ever dared to hope for, with many fun details, and I really enjoyed getting to know the Norwegian painting better through the experience.”
Below are some of our favorites. Tell us they didn’t make you smile?