On any given day, one wouldn’t expect to see a giant, luminous fish in the sky, let alone one made of dining utensils. However, entering at Heddon Street in Central London, you’ll be able to view just that! The piece known as Cutlery Fish is a woven installation by designer Ian McChesney made of forks. In an attempt to set a marker and draw attention to the fact that this particular street features a multitude of restaurants, the landowner commissioned McChesney’s project in collaboration with his public art advisers at Plan Projects.
Inspired by the children’s book “Swimmy” by Leo Lionni. the hanging sculpture mimics the shape of a fish through its entwinement of over 1,000 forks. The shiny silver pattern looks down on the passersby in the district populated by numerous eateries, suspended by cables so fine that they are nearly invisible to the human eye on ground-level. It appears as though the metallic figure is swimming in the air without assistance. An added visual bonus is the illusion of how each fork seems like a tiny silvery fish in a massive school of fish. What a remarkable sight as you enter the food quarter of Regent Street!