Interpretation of the Sun Using 84 Miles of Colorful String

Minneapolis-based street artist Eric Rieger, aka Hot Tea, created this massive installation at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. The two-story piece, entitled Letting Go, is formed out of 84 miles of colorful yarn and represents the artist’s interpretation of the sun. Hot Tea compiled more than 14,000 strands, each one hanging 32-feet long, into the large-scale installation over the course of three months.

The artist states, “The sun brings life and also represents happiness, warmth and energy. When letting go of something or someone we truly love, sometimes it is okay to celebrate their lives along with mourning. This piece represents the warmth and love I have received from those I have had to let go of.”

Visitors can view the piece from various directions by standing high up on the second floor near the brighter yellows, or by laying underneath the piece on the ground floor, where the saturated reds, yellows, and oranges form gradients of color overhead. Letting Go will be at the Minneapolis Institute of Art through September 2. You can view a time lapse of the making of the piece on Vimeo here.

Hot Tea on Flickr
Minneapolis Institute of Art website
via [Colossal]

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