Are These a Pair of Legs or Two Hot Dogs?

Hot-Dog Legs is a hilariously quirky single-topic Tumblr blog that leaves viewers wondering what they’re looking at–a first-person point of view of a pair of legs or two carefully placed hot dogs? It sounds silly and seems like it would be easy to decipher which is which, but browsing through the collection of images proves that it’s a lot harder to tell the difference than you’d think!

The more you stare at one image, the more your mind wanders and goes back and forth between the two options. Even when the “hot dogs” seem too smooth and glistening to be legs, there’s suddenly something about it that doesn’t resemble the ballpark sausages you’re used to seeing in buns. “Is that a knee?” you may find yourself wondering. Unfortunately, the blog keeps you guessing.

Hot-Dog Legs blog
via [Laughing Squid]

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