Rescued Hedgehog with Adorable Fanged Teeth Has a Playful New Lease on Life

Sir Hodge Huffington the Cricket Slayer, aka Huff, is an adorable African Pygmy hedgehog who has gained fame on Instagram thanks to his unusual, tiny fanged teeth. The quilled creature charms his audience by flashing his fangs when he dons his signature grin. This cuteness is doubled as Huff’s human, Carolyn Parker, places him in small cups, artful nature arrangements, and even on his own Iron Throne. In every photo, the two teeth–something that Parker loves to highlight–shine along with his genuine good nature.

Since Parker adopted Huff, saving the adorable little guy from suffering in a terrible environment at his former residence, she’s lightened her own life. This is a situation where both animal and human saved one another. Huff helps Parker cope with her seasonal depression through their delightful photo sessions. “Living in Utah (where days in winter are short and cold), seasonal depression is something a lot of people deal with – including myself,” she told Buzzfeed. “I started the Instagram account to share something that made me happy with other people.” Now, she’s able to spread the joy Huff brings her with a growing Instagram community.

Hodge Huffington: Instagram
via [Buzzfeed]

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