Interactive Light-Inspired Installation Shimmers with Every Step and Touch

Interacting with Hitomi Sato‘s Sense of Field installation is a multi-sensory experience. The piece comprises a narrow path between two opposite walls, from which protrude thousands of pieces of transparent, reflective film that surround visitors in touchable shimmers. The material twinkles in different colors from different angles, gently undulating like blades of glimmering grass in tune with each step down the inner walkway.

The artist draws her inspiration from the capricious intrigue of natural light. For example, she cites “ripples on [the] surface of the water, sunlight through the leaves of trees, rays from a break in the clouds, reflections on window glass.” Any one of these everyday images might come to mind while engaging with her piece, which creates scintillating sensations via view and touch while also sparking memories of other visceral impressions.

Hitomi Sato: Website
via [designboom]

All images via Hitomi Sato.

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