Hi-Def Pics: Polar Obsession – Paul Nicklen (15 photos + video)

National Geographic photographer Paul Nicklen must have an incredibly high threshold for freezing temperatures. His award-winning photographs of Arctic and Antarctic wildlife tell powerful stories about the intricate web of life supported by sea ice, and the ongoing threat of climate change to these fragile ecosystems.

“Paul shares incredible experiences: an inadvertent ride on the back of a bowhead whale… a near-disastrous attack by a bull elephant seal… a boisterous greeting from the creatures of Antarctica, the most life-filled and awe-inspiring place Nicklen has ever been… and his astonishing, days-long interaction with a magnificent leopard seal, one of the most feared and misunderstood predators of the sea. Every scene is bathed in polar light, surreal and breathtakingly beautiful.”

Nicklen just came out with a 240 page, high quality coffee table book, named Polar Obsession, that contains 160 of his latest and best polar images. You can purchase his book here.

Paul Nicklen’s website

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