Hungarian "Charity" Tree Made with 5,000 Pieces of Firewood to Be Donated After Christmas

This elegant Christmas tree gracing a public square in Budapest was made from 5,000 pieces of firewood. Hungarian design firm Hello Wood created the Charity Tree as both a decoration and a practical gesture of goodwill. At the end of the holidays, the tree will be dismantled, and the firewood will be donated to charity.

Workers spent about five days assembling the tree, often suspended by rappelling gear as they stacked sawed logs of tapering sizes within the cone-shaped, 35-foot wooden frame. By day, it appears that some of the log faces were painted white, reminiscent of ornaments scattered among the branches of a fir tree. By night, the tree is illuminated with festive, colored spotlights.

Inside, the structure is hollow. It’s ringed by simple benches made from upturned logs. Offering solace from the streets and simplicity during a season of chaos, the Charity Tree has become a place for meditation and reflection.

 Hello Wood website
via [dezeen, inhabitat, Toxel]

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