Photographers’ Tearful Goodbye to Their Deceased Dog

As wedding photographers by trade, most of the time, Helena and Laurent spend their days documenting the happiest moments in peoples’ lives. Recently, however, they shared on their blog a very personal moment but one that’s filled with equal amounts of love. As Helena tells us, “Weddings are beautiful but so is loss; loss is beautiful because it is about love. Both weddings and funerals are ceremonial expressions of our love for another, two sides of the same coin, it’s all one big love story.”

Like many loyal dogs, Lunga was Laurent’s best friend, following him wherever he went. She lived an adventurous life, working at Burning Man for five years, living in the desert for months at a time. At one point, she even lived on a bus, traveling the country performing with Laurent when he was a professional clown in a freak show. When Katrina hit, the resilient dog even swam her way out, and was lost for months before Laurent tracked her down and brought her safely to their new home.

Last year, Lunga passed away and the couple decided that they had to send her off in a memorable way. On a farm plot owned by the family, they dug a hole, laid her in a beautiful bed of flower and then planted a Weeping Cherry tree over the place where she would ultimately rest. “When she passed my husband was devastated,” Helena tells us. “I documented her burial and his mourning. We think it’s beautiful, and I hope you do, too.”

Helena and Laurent’s website

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