Inspiring Yogi Contorts Her Body into Incredible Poses to Promote Inner Peace


Heidi Williams has found serenity through her yoga practice. As a survivor of PTSD, anxiety, depression, and rape, she began the activity to rejuvenate her mind, body, and spirit. “Yoga brought me to a safe place again,” she told Mantra Yoga + Health. “A place of peace and self-acceptance.”

William’s recovery was the start of a new journey. “I was able to heal from my mental illnesses and have now dedicated my life and career to helping others through the self-healing process,” she explained. Her practice focuses on therapeutic classes and retreats designed for those who are suffering from the same demons that once haunted her. In addition, she runs support groups for others to connect online.

Spreading her message through social media—specifically Instagram—helps Williams reach a broad range of people. Her account features beautiful photographs in which she contorts herself into incredible poses, showcasing the strength, flexibility, and grace that our bodies are capable of achieving. She pairs these images with words of wisdom and inspiring stories that are a beacon of light for anyone struggling with self doubt or fear.

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