Heart Attack Grill-"Taste Worth Dying For?"

What’s the cost for stacked burgers alongside stacked waitresses? How about your life. The Heart Attack Grill in Chandler, Arizona is known for serving only fat laden, artery clogging foods like the “quadruple bypass burger” and “flat-liner fries” deep-fried in pure lard. Try to order a diet soda and they’ll laugh you right out of the restaurant.

“Doctor” Jon, owner and author of “The Heart Attack Grill Diet” says that fast food restaurants who are adding healthy alternatives are “caving-in” and have lost their “integrity”. He proclaims that we should all “live for the day” and that this is what his restaurant has set out to do.

Here’s the scary or exciting news to some. There are rumors of one being built here in Burbank, California. What do you think, would you try it, is taste really worth dying for? Disclaimer: Please understand that this guy has no idea what he is talking about and is definitely not a real doctor. However, he does bring up an interesting and different view. Website: Heart Attack Grill

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