New Recycled Skateboard Deck Sculptures by Haroshi

Tokyo-based artist Haroshi is back with an incredible new set of sculptures all made out of recycled skateboard decks. Though he’s been making these unique works for over a decade now, Haroshi first caught our eye back in 2010, when he exhibited his fresh works in Tokyo. Combining his love for art and skateboarding, the self-taught artist created beautiful works in the likeness of a teddy bear, an apple and an outstretched hand.

His stacked layered sculptures are now on view at StolenSpace in London till November 3, 2013. Called Pain, the solo exhibition shows a new body of work that examines the effects of emotional pain and how it can be a powerful motivator in the creation of art. For this show, Haroshi used hundreds of recycled skateboard decks to make sculptures that make us question what pain is and why it exists.

One of the highlights of the show is called Agony Into Beauty. It’s a magnificent bust of the artist himself with a painful expression on his face. Notice how his neck is outstretched to reveal the strained muscles underneath his skin.

StolenSpace gallery
First photo: Arrested Motion, Rest of the photos courtesy of StolenSpace

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