New Quirky Photos of Couples Switching Clothes

Switcheroo is a playful series by Canadian photographer Hana Pesut (aka sincerelyhana) that juxtaposes a simple photo of a couple with a similar portrait of the same two people, except each member of the duo is wearing the other’s clothes for round two. We first discovered Pesut’s series over three years ago and she has only expanded her quirky project to include a diverse group of people volunteering to swap their clothes.

Young and old, tall and short, slim and stout–the growing collection of images pair up anyone and everyone, turning odd couples into even odder twosomes. The visual experiment is especially effective when the pairs are extremely different, in terms of gender, height, and style. Countless men can be seen donning a dress and heels while their female counterparts are left to flaunt oversized blazers and baggy pants.

Pesut’s fun photo series is now available as a book to purchase online.

Hana Pesut blog

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